dreaming of a new job?
Below are excerpts from a great article by Kate Kepner on Huffington Post Women. The piece really helps nail down the self directed dialog to have with yourself when miserable in a job but feel stuck.
“Quit, quit, quit, is what I kept thinking. No one should wake up in a cold sweat night after night dreading what they do. Ever. But the reality is that it’s not always that easy. It’s not so easy or prudent to just up and quit before there is something else lined up. So what do you do when you are in a situation that you need to get out of, or one not quite so dire but that does not inspire you anymore? Do you stay in your job thankful for your steady income — or do you do something radical and quit? Or do you look for a job while you can in between dealing with your horrible job?
I guess the answer is it really depends on what you can do and what you really want to do. But if the answer is to find a new job, remember it’s always better to get a job when you have a job. So keep your job (for now) as you figure out what and where to go and try this:
1. Start by figuring out what you don’t like about the position you are in. Often it seems to begin with a person you aren’t getting along with. But when you dig deeper, there is usually much more to it. What don’t you like about what you are doing?
2. And then on the flip side — think about what you do that you really like. What excites you?
Then think about you.
3. What are your special skills? What unique value do you offer? What are some things that you bring to the table of a potential employer that nobody else quite does? What have you specifically accomplished? Make sure to brand yourself.
4. Work on your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your Instagram, check who you follow on Twitter and what you say, whatever pieces of information and places people will see that you will be sharing with others to show who you are. Be precise, informative, detailed yet concise.”
We agree with Kate and think everyone can be in the career of their choosing with a soul searching, networking, and a little bit of luck. Stay focused on what makes you tick remain aligned toward your center. Remember that this is not easy but the pay off is huge. Good luck and if you are looking for help with careers opportunities, give us a call!
Our philosophy is to be excellent in both career and life. addONE Marketing Solutions delivers marketing staffing solutions to fit your needs. Filling staffing gaps or providing outsourced marketing makes us “the smartest addition you will ever make.” Atlanta-based and woman owned since 1998. Visit add1marketing.com for more information.