Sampling Works

As consumer package good companies continue to finesse their products by providing consumers with new line extensions, reformulations and better packaging, consumers need the opportunity to taste, touch and connect with the product prior to purchasing it. The best way for this to be done is via sampling initiatives. Sampling can be as simple as a table inside a grocery store where you can take a bite as you shop, to big events with interactive tools, sampling teams and brand experiences. The bottom line is that sampling works and consumers need it in today’s world of so many choices to better help them to make a purchase decision for your brand.

Just so you know, sampling reaches as many as 70 million consumers every quarter. It has been proven to be effective in both making consumers aware of a new product and building brand identity for those who had thought about purchasing the product before. Sampling is beneficial for all types of consumer segments:

  • Acquisitions: Those new to the product
  • Conversions: Those willing to buy it after sampling it
  • Retentions: Those who had previously purchased the product

Here are some statistics that further support the benefits of sampling for the above consumer segments.

  • 85% of retentions (those who have previously purchased the product) who sampled the product said they would purchase it again
  • 60% of conversions (those willing to buy the product after sampling it) who sampled a product said they would purchase it again
  • 24% of all respondents said they bought the product they sampled instead of the item they initially set out to purchase

As you consider which sampling initiative to pursue – in-store, event marketing, coupons, etc. – the most powerful sampling initiative is a “try me free” program. This type of initiative allows consumers to try the product in their homes, offices or schools and fully decide if it is a purchase decision they will make in the future. A “try me free” program allows for trial and brand awareness with no cost to the consumer. It truly helps them try something they may not have otherwise. The only downfall is the cost of execution; however, if consumers end up loving the product and purchasing it on their own, it make all the time, money and effort more than worth it.

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